
The Violet Flame Orgone Pendant


The Violet Flame, also known as The 7th Ray of Light, is a Divine tool given to us by the Ascended Master, Saint Germain. It is believed that Merlin, advisor to King Arthur, was a reincarnation of Saint Germain and that the Violet Flame was anchored at Camelot.

The Violet Flame transmutes dense feelings and emotions into a higher frequency enabling cleansing and healing of humanity during Ascension. The sacred flames can be seen with the naked eye by some people and photographers have captured them in the background of their photographs, even if the fire wasn’t visible to the naked eye!

The Violet Flame is the basis for the Age of Aquarius, which many believe will be with us very soon. To meditate with the Violet Flame, first, hold the pendant in your hands and close your eyes. Imagine the purple and violet flames spreading around your body until you are completely enveloped in this beautiful violet light. Gradually envisage the flames inside your body transmuting all the negative energy and turning it into positive energy.

The crystals used in OrgonChi’s Violet Flame pendant are Amethyst, Fluorite, Quartz and Selenite. Amethyst brings peace, calmness and balance and is perfect to use in meditation. It is a very appropriate crystal to use with the Violet Flame. Fluorite is a protective stone and will eliminate mental and psychic manipulation and promotes calmness and relaxation. Clear Quartz, the master healer, the beautiful soothing and cleansing stone that almost everyone has heard of and Selenite, or Selene, which is the name for the Greek Goddess of the Moon. Selenite is a beautiful crystal representing the Divine Feminine and it also represents the Angelic Realms. Other materials used to make the orgone are silver-covered copper wire, aluminium shavings, resin and responsibly sourced Mica powder. Orgone products must contain a 50:50 mix of metals to resin with at least one quartz crystal.

Dimensions:  The Violet Flame is 40mm high by 30mm wide.

Mother and son team, Tessa and Sam Patterson, from Cheshire, UK, created OrgonChi in 2017 to produce handmade orgone energy pendants and pyramids from crystals, metals and resin. OrgonChi’s orgone devices are all lovingly handmade, therefore, each one is unique and may look slightly different to the corresponding photographs due to the size, colour and shape of the crystals and metals.

Austrian scientist and psychoanalyst, Dr Wilhelm Reich, discovered a blue glowing life energy which existed in the atmosphere and in all living organisms. He called this energy Orgone. Other names for this energy include Prana, Chi, and Universal Life Force. He developed an Orgone Accumulator made from sheets of metal and wood. Since then, people such as Karl Hans Welz and Don Croft have enhanced Reich’s designs and created Orgone Generators®, which draw in unstable orgone and give out revitalized orgone. Positive orgone energy raises the vibrational frequency of the person near it as well as cleansing the surrounding area of negative energy. OrgonChi learnt a great deal about orgone energy and its positive effects on people, animals, plants and the environment from Don Croft. Don was a remarkable gentleman and invented a number of very effective orgone devices. He and his wife, Carol, were the driving force behind the Orgone Energy network which started in 2001, and is still growing rapidly today. We are truly grateful to have had Don’s guidance.

We hope you enjoy your Violet Flame Orgone Pendant!
- OrgonChi x

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