
Seven Chakra Orgone Pendant


Chakras are energy vortexes on the body which run from the base of the spine to the top of the head. There are seven main chakras, and each one has a specific energy, colour and vibration. The seven chakras were written about over 4000 years ago, and even then, having balanced chakras was considered very important. The chakras can be balanced by yoga techniques, Reiki, meditation, a walk in nature ... and with crystals.

The chakra points are as follows:

- The Root Chakra, or Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the colour red. The Root Chakra connects the body to the earth. It looks after all of our core needs such as breathing, eating and sleeping.

- The Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthana, is about 2” below the naval, is connected with the colour orange. It governs our creativity, emotional wellbeing and sexuality.

- The Solar Plexus, or Manipura, is found in the upper abdomen, is associated with the colour yellow. It is also known as the Warrior Chakra and is where our bravery and self-confidence and motivation comes from.

- The Heart Chakra, or Anahata, is associated with the colour green or pink. This chakra governs our feelings of giving and receiving love, compassion, empathy, service to others, health and healing.

- The Throat Chakra, or Vishuddha, is linked with the colour blue. The Throat Chakra takes care of or communication, both verbally and written. It governs our self-expression and our authenticity.

- The 3rd Eye Chakra, or Ajna, slightly above the centre of the eyes, is purple or dark blue. This chakra controls our intuitiveness and expanded consciousness. Once the Third Eye Chakra is clear and open, one can see beyond the third dimension and into the spiritual world.

- The Crown Chakra, or Sahasrara, at the top of the head, is associated with clear or violet. This is the life-force energy and connection to Source.

OrgonChi’s Seven Chakra pendant contains natural, quality crystals. As well as the seven colourful crystals, the pendant contains brass and a layer of Shungite on the back. The crystals used in OrgonChi’s Seven Chakra pendant are Red Jade, Carnelian, Citrine, Green Aventurine, Sodalite, Amethyst, Clear Quartz and Shungite. Red Jade, the chi stone, the warrior’s stone, is a powerful crystal and very grounding. This crystal will allow you to go forward with confidence, leaving uncertainty behind. Citrine, the beautiful uplifting lemon coloured crystal is renowned for attracting joy and abundance. Carnelian is the fiery crystal of courage and leadership. Green Aventurine is focused on the heart chakra and gives us the balance we need between the three lower, earth chakras and the three higher, spiritual chakras. This stone is healing and attracts prosperity and abundance. Sodalite, also known as the poet’s stone and logic stone, is helpful when expressing oneself and will help to promote concentration. Amethyst is well known and treasured by generations of crystal lovers and collectors. It heightens psychic powers and helps to strengthen the connection to the spiritual and magical realms. A truly miraculous stone. Clear Quartz, also known as the master healer, and the most abundant crystal on earth, should be in all orgone devices. Clear Quartz promotes happiness, brightness, protection and healing.

Dimensions:  OrgonChi’s Seven Chakra pendant measures approximately 6cm long (including the pendant bail), 1.75cm wide and 1cm deep.

Mother and son team, Tessa and Sam Patterson, from Cheshire, UK, created OrgonChi in 2017 to produce handmade orgone energy pendants and pyramids from crystals, metals and resin. OrgonChi’s orgone devices are all lovingly handmade, therefore, each one is unique and may look slightly different to the corresponding photographs due to the size, colour and shape of the crystals and metals.

Austrian scientist and psychoanalyst, Dr Wilhelm Reich, discovered a blue glowing life energy that existed in the atmosphere and in all living organisms. He called this energy Orgone. Other names for this energy include Prana, Chi, and Universal Life Force. He developed an Orgone Accumulator made from sheets of metal and wood. Since then, people such as Karl Hans Welz and Don Croft have enhanced Reich’s designs and created Orgone Generators®, which draw in unstable orgone and give out revitalized orgone. Positive orgone energy raises the vibrational frequency of the person near it as well as cleansing the surrounding area of negative energy. OrgonChi learnt a great deal about orgone energy and its positive effects on people, animals, plants and the environment from Don Croft. Don was a remarkable gentleman and invented a number of very effective orgone devices. He and his wife, Carol, were the driving force behind the Orgone Energy network which started in 2001 and is still growing rapidly today. We are truly grateful to have had Don’s guidance.

We hope you enjoy your Seven Chakra Orgone Pendant!
- OrgonChi x

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